Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Recent TV Hits

In case you're interested!
Some other recent clips! 

Fox News - Discussing Obamacare ruling

Sun News Network - Discussing Iran deadline extension

Fox News - Discussing MH17 and what US must do next

Sun News Network (Canada) - Discussing Israel-Hamas latest

My other TV/Radio links can be found here.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Quick thoughts on Obamacare ruling...

Quick thoughts on Obamacare ruling...

The court has ruled that ''the government has failed to make the extraordinary showing required for such judicial rewriting of an act of Congress.''
  • POLITICAL CONCERN: At least in short term, this is a major blow for both the law and the Obama Administration. It furthers judicial doubt on an increasingly unpopular law, and does so in an election year.
  • ISSUE OF ARROGANCE: The Government's claim that the appellants lacked standing was roundly condemned by the court (see p.14 opinion). That condemnation illustrates the court's dissatisfaction over arrogance of executive/legislative power that has defined this law from its conception: thousands of pages of bureaucracy and very little regard for individual interests. Today, that arrogance has rewarded the administration with major political blowback.
  • ISSUE OF LAW: The court noted that Congress knew how to make specific reference to when a non-state entity was to be treated as a a state entity. And S. 1321 does not provide that Federal exchanges are to be construed as ''exchanges established by the state''. The court specifically mentions the principle ''elephant in a mousehole'' to show that the government cannot create definitions in post-law pursuit of later purposes. For me, the key quoute: ''we find that the government has failed to make the extraordinary showing required for such judicial rewriting of an act of Congress.''
  • CONCLUSION: The dissent claims that this "ruling portends disastrous consequences." But the law is the law. Until changed by act of Congress or overturned by SCOTUS, the law must be decided with regards to a plain understanding of Congressional intent. That is, in my opinion, what has occurred. 
If interested, some of my other thoughts on health care/reform can be found here.

Obama's new red line

My latest @ The National Review: Obama's new red line
National Review Online

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Domestic Policy!

Just to remind you that I also write extensively on US domestic politics!!! Here are some older links (please see domestic links in bio for more!). Most of my newer writings on domestic politics can be found at Opportunity Lives. Also, please have a look at my TV link page here: we discuss domestic extensively on The McLaughlin Group.
Rubio's Foreign Policy vs. Fiorina's
The American Left's Muslim Hypocrisy
Power of American Patriotism
The Economic and Political Repugnancy of State Controlled Unions
The Economic and Political Repugnancy of State Controlled Industries
Three Lessons of Europe's Immigration Integration Failure
70 Years after WW2: American Exceptionalism Proved
Three Ways to Improve America's Transport Infrastructure
Vietnam and the Beneficence of Capitalism
Three Ways to Reform America's Tax System
Donald Trump's Vulture Policy
Donald Trump in Neverland
Hillary Clinton's Economic Mobility Problem
American Speech Law is Exceptional
Five Concerns that might Sink Hillary Clinton
NOTE: most of my US domestic pieces are at The Telegraph
20 GOP Presidential Hopefuls
Midterms: Race by race predictions
Midterms: Video predictions with visual map
Midterms: My update
National Review Online

My writings on Russia (ignore date of post, page updated regularly - most recent Jan. 17/2025)

This page is regularly updated. Most recent at top

Why the GRU bounty story won't die
Redeployment from Germany has costs and benefits
Trump punishes low spending Germany by rewarding lower spending Belgium
The intelligence angle in Google's new transatlantic cable
Vladimir Putin plays Zelensky
A satellite weapon wake up call
What we just learned about British intelligence
The UK parliament's Russian influence-intelligence report
Retaliate over Russian vaccine attacks
Report shows how Russia deliberately destroyed a Syrian hospital
Why the NSA is skeptical over Russia GRU plot in Afghanistan
Why Russia's GRU would kill Americans in Afghanistan
The Angela Merkel fallacy 
US seizes advanced Russian military system in Libya
If Kadyrov attempted to murder a journalist, US should further sanction him
How and why Paul Whelan is being used by Russian intelligence
Russia's new submarine is not a game changer
House Republicans unveil a plan to counter Putin
Sanction any firm that completes Nord Stream II
Transfer forces from Germany to Poland
Trump helps move to see Putin rejoin G7, gets a Russian rebuke in return
China and Russia are threatening U.S. aircrews. Why doesn't the Pentagon act?
Respond by giving Patriot systems to the Libyan government
Time to pressure Putin and Assad in Syria
Why Putin is reopening even as the coronavirus situation gets worse
Pro-Trump or anti-Trump, don't take money from Vladimir Putin
Coronavirus, Super Plagues, and the Russian bioweapons program
What the media is missing in the Barents Sea
Send up fighter escorts to confront Russian Mediterranean aggression
Spying on Putin, or why those 15 pages are redacted
How Russia trumps the OPEC+ deal
Don't pay too much attention to Alaskan air antics
Why Russia is playing oil price hardball
In Moscow, Erdogan kneels to Putin
Two years later, Russia still can't get over GRU's disastrous Salisbury operation
Belarus president delivers stinging rebuke to Putin
Why, as with AIDS, Russia is blaming Coronavirus on America
Russia's Ukraine escalation is Trump's opportunity
Why the New York Times Russia intelligence report doesn't quite add up
Will Erdogan let Putin play him again in Syria?
With Syria attacks, Russia risks pushing America and Turkey back together
New U.S. Ambassador is off to a strong start in Moscow
U.S. sends a strong message to Russian military in Syria
How NATO serves America and Americans
Emmanuel Macron's extraordinary Russia hypocrisy
Georgia's democracy is dying, Trump should save it
Trump corrects Obama's appeasement on nuclear weapons
Why Russia is slaughtering Syrian civilians again
How Putin just consolidated his czardom
Why Russia would hack Ukraine's Burisma
How America's new ambassador to Moscow aims to get results
What is Russia's spy ship up to
Vladimir Putin endorses Democratic energy policies
Trump's impeachment might rest in Putin's hands
Putin is unhappy with Trump's Syria oil strategy
Why Boris Johnson doesn't want the Russian influence report
Putin manipulates Erdogan and Trump in Syria
Lexus and Vovan are Russian IC agents
Exploring Russia's western-focus disinformation effort
The big problem with the Senate's hacking report
Why Ukraine's president wanted a White House meeting
How a Kremlin facilitator weaves a trail of influence in London
Why the USAF is right to focus on the B-21, not B-1
Ukraine's other problems: France and Germany
Why Putin is escalating against Navalny
Why Russia is a top CIA hard target
Yes, semi-cooperate with Russia on counter-terrorism
Kremlin Kamala? Democrats are pushing pro-Putin policies
Wake up to the massacre in Syria
What are the Russians up to in South Ossetia?
The amazing gall of Chinese-Russian missile complaints

John Sullivan is an excellent choice for Moscow Ambassador
US must warn Italy over Salvini's love for Putin
Keep Russia out of the G-7
A surprise win for America on Russian state TV
Russia's bloody message to Turkey in Syria
Putin, Patreon, or why the American far-left hate Hongkongers
Kamala Harris shows she's no threat to Vladimir Putin
Sad at being called out for Russian propaganda, OAN tries a lawsuit
Russian war crimes in Syria must be confronted
If it's Moscow Mitch, how should we refer to former President Obama?
Trump's S-400 delusion
The utility of the Suffren
A new NATO defense posture against Russian missile threats
Why all submariners will mourn the dead Russian sailors
Theresa May shows Trump how to meet with Putin
The US, Australia, and the Netherlands should catch the MH-17 suspects
Trump gives Putin a weaponized rebuke on Ukraine
Why Putin only has himself to blame for poor US-relations
Ivan Golunov and the anatomy of Russian corruption
George Galloway is an antisemitic gimp for Putin
The USS Chancellorsville incident and why Putin is sucking up to Xi
Russia's foreign ministry spokeswoman needs to read more WW2 history
5 lessons from Chernobyl
Trump must punish Putin over Idlib
America reminds Russia who owns Alaskan skies
Sergey Lavrov is played at his own game
Democrats get Hungary wrong
Putin references neo-Nazism to serve his expansionist foreign policy
How could Trump have had a great conversation with Putin?
Why Russia is bombing hospitals in eastern Syria, again
Putin just made a move on Ukraine
If it's Sanders vs. Trump, Putin will be all in for Sanders
Assange is a Russian agent
Mueller report: Russia is a keystone enemy
Putin's deza master class in St. Petersburg
NATO works because it fosters positive nationalism
For Kim it's from Putin with love
Why Trump is right to double down on Sisi
Russian state tv's delusional call to send bomber aircrews near Manhattan
Sensing Trump's hesitation, Putin doubles down on Maduro
Trump supporters don't like opening their wallets to Russia investigators
These 5 Democrats are weaker on Russia than Trump
Did the Russians feed El Pais some fake news?
The pathetic allies in NATO
Putin money lurks in pro-Maduro march
5 Democrats who aren't that tough on Russia
The US should warn Russia over Austin Tice's fate
NATO has enough ships, the Europeans just won't deploy theirs
Russia's disgusting treatment of the family of a woman it murdered
Meet the Russia GRU deputy station chief chucked out of London after Skripal
Putin would welcome this CNN guest's Nazi comparison of Trump
Why Putin's Russia is a critical threat
Russia's stupid new nuclear threat
Why Russia will be furious with Trump's decision to keep some troops in Syria
3 exaggerations in Putin's new nuclear threats
The US Navy's clever deployment to the Black Sea
Russia's cyber insulation is about scaring Europe
The Navy needs to be more creative
France's nuclear warning shot at Russia
NATO's chief is wrong about Russia's mini nuke threat
NATO Sec. Gen. is confident on 5th generation combat aircraft
NATO chief: we'll push Germany to spend more on defense 
Trump's missile defense plan is a bad idea
Vladimir Putin in his Middle Eastern wonderland
Why Putin and Assad are now ready to smash Idlib
Chocolate cathedrals and the art of Chekist humor
The 5 greatest threats to U.S. national security in 2019
A European recruitment drive won't fix Germany's broken military
What Putin's hypersonic weapon means for U.S. security
NATO should select Jim Mattis as its next secretary general
In Belarus' energy rage, America's opportunity
Nikki Haley: Russia's UN game
Russia will struggle to use a Caribbean bomber base to threaten the U.S.
Macron and Merkel bow to Putin
The US, British, and French air forces practiced defeating a Russian blitzkrieg
China, Russia, and the greater morality of American realism
Things to sell Ukraine
No, don't send the US navy into the Sea of Azov
Russia needs to face new sanctions over Ukraine
Ignore or Intercept: how to deal with Russian bombers in Venezuela
Taking on Russia: MI6 chief's new speech
Why Trump deserves credit for canceling his meeting with Putin
NATO unifies over INF
Expect Russia to escalate in Syria
Russia cozies up to India
NATO's Trident Juncture exercise is all about the SLOCs
John Bolton delivers the goods in Moscow
 Why the U.S. INF withdrawal won't increase Russia's threat
The Russian midterm attacks are Putin's responsibility
Salute Mikhail KhodorkovskyWashington Examiner
What Netanyahu wants from Putin - Washington Examiner
Britain plays Putin at the OPCW - Washington Examiner
How Russia spies in Britain - Washington Examiner
Skripal, early next day analysis - Washington Examiner
Britain's tough new warning to Russia - Washington Examiner
Putin and the art of the cutout - Washington Examiner
How Putin will try to play TrumpWashington Examiner
Obama always "choked" on Russia - Washington Examiner
Decoding Putin, part 2 - Washington Examiner
Decoding Putin, part 1 - Washington Examiner
How Trump Should Reform NATO (Russia related) - National Review
3 Ways the U.S. Can Save Syria - National Review
Russia's Rising Empire - National Review
Putin's Gun vs. Obama's Pen - National Review
Putin's Syria Strategy - National Review
Russia's Strategy in Syria - National Review
President Obama at the UN - National Review
Russia wants Mariupol - McLaughlin Group
Speech on Russia/Ukraine - Steamboat Institute
How to confront Putin - McLaughlin Group
Putin Returns - National Review
US policy in Ukraine - McLaughlin Group
The Nemtsov Murder - National Review
Debaltseve - McLaughlin Group
Honesty on Ukraine - National Review
Russia's War on Fracking - National Review
Putin, the Hungry Bear - National Review
NATO in crisis - Daily Telegraph
Ukraine situation - Fox News
What to do after MH17 - National Review
Obama Doctrine/Delusion - National Review
Obama's Sanctions Elixir - National Review
The Demise of the U.N. - National Review
Why Ukraine vindicates the NSA - American Spectator
The Nuland Call - National Review
Globe in Partes Tres - National Review
Tyranny with a smile - National Review
Putin's KGB Playbook National Review
On Russian Intelligence National Review
Obama's slumber-Putin's swindle American Spectator
WMD deal disaster The Guardian
On WMD deal Mark Davis 660AM
On Syria-Russia Mark Davis 660AM