Iraq faces specter of new Christmas attacks by ISIS. The group is readying its bombing cells for a new offensive.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Friday, December 20, 2019
Al Qaeda Afghanistan, Lebanon, Asylum, 2020 Climate Debate, UFOs
Bernie Sanders is wrong about Afghanistan and Al Qaeda. The 2020 presidential hopeful doesn’t seem to understand why the war against Al Qaeda was necessary.
Trump administration sends the right message in Lebanon. Withholding aid until the new prime minister proves his worth is the right way to handle the political crisis.
Yes, criminal migrants should be denied asylum. If individuals have proven themselves more of a risk to US society than others, then we should support the others.
Democrats’ climate gift to Trump. Adopting extreme positions and openly saluting themselves for being willing to kill good jobs, Democrats help Trump.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Moscow, Boris
New US Ambassador wants results in Moscow. John Sullivan is a realist but one who senses that progress may be possible on certain issues.
Boris Johnson’s new governing agenda: tougher prison sentences, more health care spending, and getting Brexit done. It’s not original, but it will probably be popular.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
South Korea, Venezuela, Russian spy ship
Protest South Korea’s defense freeloading by recalling the US Ambassador. It is wholly unacceptable for Seoul to deny the US a greater measure of burden sharing.
Trump administration should threaten to sanction Erik Prince over his Venezuela’s cavorting. There is no justifiable excuse for sanctions busting in support of Maduro.
What is Russia’s “unsafe” spy ship up to? The vessel is floating around off the coast and in proximity to a US nuclear submarine base.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
UFOs, Genocide
The real reasons the U.S. government is so secretive about UFOs. In short, they see a possible threat and they can’t do much about it.
Why the Armenian Genocide is so controversial in Washington. The historic injustice matches to contemporary political complexities.
Monday, December 16, 2019
Lebanon, Georgia, Dubai
Why Lebanon remains paralyzed between protesters and politicians. There is no room for maneuver on either side.
The Trump administration should threaten sanctions over Georgia’s crackdown on freedom. The government is repressing the opposition without any cause.
Democrats offer gift to Chinese efforts to displace US-led international order. Blocking American participation at the 2020 Dubai World Expo is a very bad idea.
Friday, December 13, 2019
Labour, spying, novel
Labour’s great struggle: find a new leader and a winning platform. Thursday’s British election showed just how much of a challenge is facing the party.
Why and how a new UK-EU spy war is about to begin. Shaping the post-Brexit relationship is what’s motivating things
A Brexit tale from John Le Carre. The spymaster novelist delivers a new read full of espionage intrigue.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
NATO exercises, Iran Lebanon, Britain election
3 things the Europeans won’t bring to massive 2020 NATO exercises. It’s about the willingness to invest in capability and truly share burdens.
Shooting his mouth off about Lebanon, Iranian official shows the truth of Tehran’s policy. It’s not about supporting Lebanon, but using Lebanon to attack Israel.
What will the British election bring? A Boris Johnson majority that delivers Brexit, or a Jeremy Corbyn orchestrated Hung Parliament that delivers Soviet-style socialism.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Brexit economy, Senate audio, Saudi politics, USCMA reelection
On the eve of an election, Brexit hampers British economy. Investors lack confidence as to whether Brexit will happen, how it might happen, and when it might happen.
The Senate is not going to remove Trump without audio. The president’s impeachment rests in the prospect of incriminatory material, possibly in Russian hands.
For American interests in Saudi Arabia, a choice between restaurants and Jamal Khashoggi. The future stability of the desert kingdom, and of American counter-terrorism security are at stake here.
Via the USMCA, a new arrow in Trump’s reelection quiver. The trade agreement serves Trump’s reelection narrative.
Monday, December 9, 2019
Steele dossier, WaPo report, Horowitz report, Friday articles, Thursday articles
Horowitz report deconstructs Steele dossier. The former British intelligence officer’s notorious product is shown to be a mismatch of hearsay.
Decoding the Washington Post’s report on Afghanistan. There are some good lessons here, but not pointers for withdrawal.
Horowitz report: CIA regarded Steele dossier as “internet rumor.” Not the best endorsement from the nation’s premier human intelligence agency.
From Friday...
The beauty of the American names Noah, Elijah, and Muhammad. A country sustained by unified peoples and shared values.
Is Russia helping Jeremy Corbyn? It would make sense for them to do so.
From Thursday...
Why Joe Biden will probably benefit from his freakout. The former Vice President needed to show more energy on the campaign trail.
A Grand Armee versus Macron's grand reform. The stakes for France's future are significant.
Espionage and Europe: inside Huawei's campaign to litigate against US regulation. It's about setting the ground for future fights.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
NATO, Assasssinations, Impeachment
Actually, the NATO summit was a success. Turkey backed down from a threat to obstruct alliance support to the Baltics and Poland.
Russia appears to have murdered someone in Berlin. Germany doesn’t seem to care very much. The government’s expulsion of two Russian diplomats is pathetic.
Meet Pamela Karlan, liberal law professor seeking cable news job. The witness at Wednesday’s Democratic impeachment hearings wasn’t very serious.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
America NATO, North Korea, Kamala Harris, Zimbabwe catastrophe
How America and Americans benefit from NATO. The alliance under-girds peace, prosperity, and democracy. At a good value.
There will be a North Korean nuclear crisis in January. Kim Jong Un just signaled another step towards new ICBM tests.
Why Kamala Harris failed. The Senator from California was way too inconsistent and really just not that impressive.
Zimbabwe heads towards humanitarian catastrophe. Targeted sanctions by the US, EU, and AU would help.
Monday, December 2, 2019
NATO discord, COP25 China, Counter Terrorism
Sensing NATO’s discord, Putin plays Macron off Trump. The Russian leader is using a favored issue to separate the world’s greatest multilateral alliance.
Why China gets a free pass at the COP25 summit. The key factor is European interest in Chinese trade outweighing European interest in effective carbon emissions reduction.
Last week’s attack aside, British counter-terrorism officials will breathe a sigh of relief. The U.K. security services had been expecting marauding firearms attacks.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Corybn interview, Xi climate, DC UFO
Jeremy Corbyn’s disastrous BBC interview: he detonated his leadership credibility. The Labour Party leader isn’t looking too good as the election approaches.
Xi Jinping continues to play the world for a fool on carbon emissions. He lies that China is leading on the issue, and environmental groups believe him.
Birds, balloons, or a UFO: what violated Washington DC airspace on Tuesday? There are reasons to believe it was something out of the ordinary.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Putin, AQ, OBE
Vladimir Putin endorses the Democratic Party’s presidential candidates 2020 energy policies. Both Putin and Democrats support a ban on fracking.
Al Qaeda’s threat is alive. The group has suffered losses but is regrouping.
British Muslim woman deserves OBE for her courage against an antisemite. The incident occurred last week on London’s metro system.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Trump Georgia, Hong Kong, Xi IP, Hong Kong, CNO Navy
Trump must help Georgians confront their government’s betrayal. Protests now rippling across Tbilisi are indicative of a broader government rot.
Hong Kong’s very personal rebuke to Xi Jinping. The Chinese leader doesn’t have much to be happy about in the aftermath of the city’s local elections.
and from Friday
Xi's mad intellectual property philosophy. The Chinese leader seems to think it's up to America to make it, and China to take it.
Why Hong Kong protesters don't give in. To accept Beijing's terms of surrender would be to give up on any future prospect of freedom.
The CNO should resign if Trump follows through and allows Chief Gallagher to avoid a review board. Important principles of command are at stake here.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Corbyn, Israel, Hill
Jeremy Corbyn unveils his mad plan to turn Britain into a Cuban socialist dystopia. The Labour leader wants to spend vast sums more on growing the government.
For Israel’s sake Netanyahu should step down. The prime minister can no longer command the respect of the Knesset.
Fiona Hill educates Democrats: fracking is very bad for Vladimir Putin. The former NSC official offered a rather complicating case for Democrats who want to claim themselves valiant resisters of Putinism.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
2020 Democrats blow it on foreign policy. Rather than offer compelling alternatives to President Trump, Democrats offered platitudes and jokes about alligators. It was a joke.
Elizabeth Warren bombs on answer to first question. She offered the same kind of far-left platitude as has become her norm.
Kamala Harris fails on Tulsi Gabbard foreign policy challenge. It's not enough to offer insults in response to critical foreign policy challenges.
Israel, Sondland, SEALs
Security and domestic politics: why Israel just bombed Iran. In Syria. The position of Iranian threats and Netanyahu’s own domestic premiership are both in play.
Why Gordon Sondland’s testimony won’t change much. The US Ambassador to the EU won’t cause GOP votes to shift.
Navy SEAL commanders must receive Trump’s support for their review board into Chief Gallagher. The SEAL NCO has given grounds to be removed.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
UK debate, North Korea, Ukraine relations
The first UK election debate was a shambles. The setting, moderating, audience, and questions were all below par.
Why North Korea isn’t accepting the U.S. diplomatic track on negotiations. The simple truth is that Kim Jong Un wants more from America without giving up much.
Outside of the impeachment cauldron, US-Ukraine relations remain strong. Both Democrats and Republicans are providing good levels of support to Kyiv.
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