Wednesday, July 24, 2024

DC 911, DC police response

DC's 911 call center remains broken. Mayor Bowser is responsible.

Washington, DC Police response times are too slow. Crimes in progress are not receiving due attention.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

China airfield training, Harris/Netanyahu speech, Scientific American UFOs, Secret Service director

Does China's airfield strike training suggest a Pearl Harbor-style attack possibility? The PLA are training to take out America's most advanced jets on the tarmac.

Snubbing Netanyahu's address, Kamala Harris shows a weird partisanship. The Israeli prime minister is a poor American ally but U.S.-Israeli interests require dialogue.

The science problem with "Nope- It's never aliens." A new Scientific American piece takes a rather one-sided look at the UFO subject.

The Secret Service director had to go. Kimberly Cheatle's position was rightly untenable.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Secret Service protection list, Kurilla vs. WH, Secret Service foreign trips

Does the Secret Service need to protect 36 people? The demands on Secret Service resources are significant. But protection should only be provided to those who actually need it.

Central Command's Kurilla, unlike predecessor, speaks truth to power. The general has made clear to his political masters that their counter-Houthi strategy is failing.

Foreign governments will fear even higher stress Secret Service visits. The agency is always uncomfortable with foreign visits. But the recent Trump assassination attempt will only increase this stress quotient.

Sunday, July 21, 2024


Biden ends reelection campaign, doing the right thing for the nation. The president's decision is the right one but it should have come sooner.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Trump's Iron Dome

Trump's Iron Dome boondoggle won't make America safer. The costs and capability potential of this proposal are not supportive of the national interest.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Europe Trump, Europe-U.S. tech war

Germany aside, Europea attempts to build bridges with Trump. Most European powers want to establish at least a functional relationship with Trump. Apparently not Germany.

The U.S. should threaten Europe over X/tech extortion. The EU Competition Commissioner is waging a blatantly protectionist/extortionist war on U.S. tech firms. It should not be allowed to stand.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

USSS director

 Fighting for her job: Secret Service director’s record faces growing scrutiny. Kimberly Cheatle has pursued various DEI initiatives that some say have weakened the Service.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Secret Service, RNC protection

Strengthening Secret Service protection is far easier said than done. The agency does not have the capacity to simply throw more bodies at the problem.

Trump Secret Service detail notably reinforced at Republican National Convention. The action comes following Saturday's assassination attempt against the former president.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Secret Service critiques, Trump-proofing NATO, Russia teaches China on ASW

Trump assassination attempt: Secret Service critiques vary between the justified and the ignorant. The agency should be judged fairly but only by those who understand basic elements of close protection.

Europe can't Trump-proof NATO on the cheap. European allies must spend more on defense to ensure the alliance retains Trump's support. This is a simple, justifiable requirement.

Russia gives China another lesson on how to hunt U.S. submarines. The Russian navy have far more experience than the PLA in this regard.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Trump attack

Trump shows courage and Secret Service skill amid Trump campaign rally attack. The former president was not seriously injured.