I've just been re-reading through some of my notes on Sayyid Qutb's 'Milestones'. Qutb, a favorite of Sunni extremist movements, inspires and encapsulates the totalitarian worldview that defines the political ideology of groups like al-Qaeda. Anyway, here are some of my more relevant notes.
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subservience to Allah liberates the believer from his subservience to others.
Qutb's take on 'Jahiliyyah' (humanity's separation from God)- Jahiliyyah constitutes a direct rebellion against the sovereignty of God.
Need to establish a pure ‘Din’ generation.
''Jahili society because of its
Jahili characteristics is not a worthy partner for compromise.''
NOTE: The importance of unyielding
resistance to Jahiliyyah – The faithful must not stray ''even one step'' from 'Din'.
‘There is no God but Allah’
NOTE: A fanatical interpretation of the Shahada: Allah’s path is the only
path. God's authority is not debatable.
On the nature of 'Din' - ''It's system extends into
aspects of life; it treats all minor or major affairs of mankind; it orders
man’s life – not only in this world but also in the world to come: it gives
information about the unseen as well as about the visible world; it not only
deals with material things but also purifies intentions and ideas.''
NOTE: 'Din' offers a total, unencumbered guide for successful existence.
Prior to the formal adoption of
Islamic law... ''The hearts and consciences of a people must be committed to a
belief system that forbids submission to anyone other than Allah and that
rejects the derivation of laws from any other source. Then, when such a group
of people is ready and also gains practical influence in the society, various
laws will be legislated according to their practical needs.''
Government must ''derive its laws
from him (Allah) alone.''
NOTE: True freedom only exists under the protection of God's law.
The Muslim obligation is ''….to
establish Allah’s authority on Earth.''
NOTE: The duty of an expansive Islamic Ummah.
'The object of this Din is all
humanity and its sphere of action is the whole Earth.''
NOTE: The mission is global and
total. See my related thoughts on the nature of global jihad.
Non-Muslims must pay tribute.
''There is my straight path. Then
follow it, and do not follow other ways because they will scatter you from his
NOTE: The only path is the path
of 'Din'.
''But any place where the Islamic
shari’ah is not enforced and where Islam is not dominant, becomes the home of
hostility ('Dar al-Harb') for both the Muslims and the Dhimmis (non-Muslim residents).''
NOTE: Absent God's ordained will, society will perish.
''Grouping according to family and
tribe and nation, or race and colour and country, are residues of the primitive
state of man.''
NOTE: The supremacy of an encompassing faith.
''There is no Dar al-Islam where Islam’s way of life and its laws are not practiced.''
''There is no Dar al-Islam where Islam’s way of life and its laws are not practiced.''
''There is nothing beyond faith
except unbelief, nothing beyond Islam except Jahiliyyah, and nothing beyond the
truth except falsehood.''
NOTE: The totalitarian nature of
Islam as proscribed by Qutb.
''Islam cannot accept or agree to
a situation which is half-Islam and half-Jahailiyyah.''
NOTE: In practical terms, this statement represents the inversion of Lincolnian virtue.
''Islam does not sanction the rule
of wild desires. It has come to abolish all such concepts, laws, customs and
traditions, and to replace them with a new concept of human life, to create a
new world on the foundation of submission to the creator.''
NOTE: The fundamental power of
theocratic rule against human interests.
''We need not rationalize Islam to
NOTE: Qutb's Islam is beyond question or
reproach. It's authority is both implicit and intrinsic.
''The chasm between Islam and
Jahiliyyah is great, and a bridge is not to be built across it so that people
on the two sides may mix with each other, but only so that the people of Jahiliyyah
may come over to Islam…''
NOTE: Acceptance of Islam is not a choice, but a necessity.
''Do not be dejected nor grieve.
You shall be the uppermost if you are believers.''
NOTE: The strength of ‘God’s' community.
''Do not consider those as dead
who were killed in the way of Allah. They are living in the presence of their
Lord and find sustenance from their sustainer. They enjoy what Allah has given
them from his bounty, and are glad that those who are left behind and have not
yet joined them shall have no fear nor shall they grieve. They rejoice in the
glad tidings of Allah’s blessings and bounty, and in the promise that Allah
will not fail to reward the believers.''
NOTE: Implication - although the path may appear
tough, the outcome is certain and the rewards of 'service' are limitless. This has two points of immediate relevance. First, it reinforces the notion of jihadist martyrdom. Second, it obviously the reinforces the power of the theocratic elite.

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