Friday, April 6, 2018

Moderating Steamboat Institute debate Nigel Farage vs. Vincente Fox

At the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs on Tuesday, I had the privilege of moderating a debate between Brexit architect, Nigel Farage and former president of Mexico, Vincent Fox. The subject was Nationalism vs. Globalism. My questions are below. Note, Fox preferred to respond after Farage so I asked Farage the majority of questions.

Thanks to the Steamboat Institute for organizing the event!

1h02m02s - Asking Farage question from the audience: Do nation states have an obligation to the global poor?

1h10m36s - Asking Farage question from audience: Does nationalism risk a new world war?

1h16m50s - Asking Farage question from audience: Do you believe globalism is just a code word for socialism?

1h24m24s - Asking Farage question from audience: Why do you dress like a paddington bear rip off?

1h31m25s - Asking audience whether they valued the debate

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