Wednesday, July 31, 2019

OAN vs. Daily Beast, Chatham House, Germany Gulf

Sad for being called out for Russian propaganda, OAN threatens to sue the Daily Beast. OAN only has itself to blame for being called out.

Chatham House is wrong to embrace China. The U.S. should be alarmed at this.

Germany reminds the world that it's a terrible ally. The German government has no good excuse for failing to support a naval escort in the Persian Gulf.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Democratic debate

Democrats double down on open borders. 
Trump's rhetoric might be a stain on our discourse, but Democrats made Trump the immigration moderate on Tuesday.

Elizabeth Warren is a good debater, pay heed Mr. Trump
Whatever you think of her policies, Warren showed she is a talented debater.

Hawley bill, Moscow Mitch, China trade, Nuclear accident

Josh Hawley's latest authoritarian adventure
The Senator seems to despise human freedom.

If it's Moscow Mitch, how should we refer to President Obama? 

Trump must be resolute in face of China trade games. 
The president cannot show weakness.

Scientists say Russia covered up a major nuclear accident in 2017.

Josh Hawley's sad Section 230 vendetta

It is always sad when politicians forget why the First Amendment is so special: its provision to the people of expansive opportunities to hold government to account and petition for a better society. It's also normally sad when conservatives line up to support policies advanced by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.

But Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo. is doing both things with his new bill, "Ending Support for Internet Censorship Act." The bill would greatly restrict social media companies from relying on Section 230 of the 1996 enacted Communications Decency Act. Section 230 ensures that "no provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider." This means that companies such as Twitter, Google, YouTube, and Facebook are not responsible for what users post on their platforms. But it also means that the companies can provide an expansive space for dialogue, debate, under that most basic of American principles: free speech. And that they can't be buried by a sea of lawsuits for doing so.

Hawley doesn't like that.

His bill would remove Section 230 protections unless companies allow government mandated auditors into their proprietary systems. Oh, and then allowed government to mandate what should be posted, by who, and in what degrees.

Hawley's bill isn't just anathema to a conservative ideology that is supposedly rooted in the empowerment of individuals and free enterprise, it's deeply authoritarian. It would give the government vast new power to regulate a vast speech space used by tens of millions of Americans. In that, Hawley is replicating the policy of those he normally suggests we should avoid: big government Europeans.

More than being a bad bill, this is also just very silly.

Hawley whinges that conservatives don't get enough fair treatment on social media companies. And that's likely true. But he forgets the fact that social media companies source their power in their provision of a service that large numbers of us choose to use. We are not mandated to use these platforms, and we are free to abandon them and set up our own.

Nor, as the neo-Nazi Daily Stormer site proves, for example, is the internet a place where speech must go thru the tech giant gatekeepers. Nor is the effective monopoly position that companies like Google currently hold an excuse. Settled federal law means that in the absence of provable harm to consumers, monopoly corporate power is lawful. Federal judges have recognized that maximal provision of commerce and opportunity serve the interests of a free society.

It takes a lot to make Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Wis. seem like a conservative. But Hawley has done just that. I will enjoy watching this bill die at the hands of our great democracy

Friday, July 26, 2019

North Korea, Russia Syria, Trump France, Hong Kong

Why North Korea is escalating missile tests and how Trump should respond. 
The North Koreans need to know American appeasement isn't on the way.

Russian war crimes in Syria must be confronted. 
The need for action is driven by Russian choices.

Trump rightly threatens tariffs on French wine
France's anti-US technology bill is an outrage.

Why China might send the military into Hong Kong
It's about Beijing's need for domination.

Special Report

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

China Cambodia, Boris Johnson, Mueller Russia, Nuclear Letters, Will Hurd

Chinese threats from Cambodia demand a new US strategy. The Chinese want to use a new naval base to exert pressure on the American flank of any prospective war.

Boris Johnson's new cabinet is more conservative. It includes new foreign and defense secretaries.

Mueller calls Russia's election interference a top threat. The reality is more nuanced.

Boris Johnson writes his toughest ever letter. The nuclear forces letter is a big deal.

Will Hurd asked the best Mueller questions. He focused on protecting America

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

NYPD attacks, Top Gun, South Korea, Boris Johnson

Silent on water attacks against NYPD, Democrats risk voter fury. The failure to condemn these attacks is striking in its pathetic absurdity.

Top Gun: Maverick and why we need patriotic militarism. The movie should show the glory of military service.

South Korea sends a serious message to Russia, China, and North Korea. Firing warning shots against Russian aggression, Seoul lays down a marker.

Boris Johnson needs Trump in order to succeed. The new prime minister faces a tough task.

Monday, July 22, 2019

EU Iran, Debating socialists

Britain is revving up a European military response to Iran. The positioning of a European task force is a clear signal of failing Iranian escalation.

To defeat the squad, debate them
The better virtues of free market capitalism will shine thru.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Iran tankers, Srebrenica massacre

Iran seizes two British tankers and makes a big mistake. The Iranians have only invited increased pressure

Had they been there, US forces might have prevented the Srebrenica massacre. It's about military culture and capability.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Drone downing, Trump chants, Imran Khan, Philippines

The US shoots down a drone and Trump draws a red line. The Iranians were testing American resolve in defense of life.

"Send her back!" chanters should be sent back to school. It's basic constitutional tradition stuff.

Forget Imran Khan's posturing, the US must keep the heat on Pakistan. The Pakistani government won't sacrifice anything serious if the US doesn't force it.

The US should stand with the Philippines but demand more from Duterte. The president is a guy who likes to play China off the alliance.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

EU defense, Manchester brother, North Korea, RDR 2

Weak on defense, the new EU executive officers are perfect for their organization. They have records of undercutting NATO and endangering continental security.

Takeaways from Britain's capture of Manchester concert bomber. This shows ISIS network development.

North Korea threatens ballistic escalation. Pyongyang needs sanctions relief but won't budge on concessions.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is broken by cheating in its online mode. Players are breaking the rules without any remedial action.

And... GUN RUSH TEAMS mode

Individual gamer tags I have identified as cheaters include:


Oh, and also avoid the exceptionally well-named "SUPERCHEAT."

Related to my Washington Examiner piece (GUN RUSH mode)

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Area 51, Jay Inslee, S-400

Storming Area 51 won't work but studying UFOs is a real concern. Let science lead the way.

Jay Inslee becomes a joke candidate with promise of Secretary of State Megan Rapinoe. She's a great soccer player but evidences no qualities that would be necessary as America's diplomatic chief.

Trump's Turkey S-400 delusion. 
The president doesn't realize this isn't about a damn business deal.

Monday, July 15, 2019

UK Ambassador, Suffren SSN, India technology

Ousted UK ambassador leaked US intelligence. Sources tell me that the leaks were serious and sustaining.

France's Suffren nuclear attack submarine will support NATO security. The new submarine is well predisposed to fighting the good fight.

For our future, more Indian immigrants please. We need skilled technology workers.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Type 45, Suleiman

Britain is expecting to fight in the Persian Gulf: HMS Duncan's deployment proves as much

15 years later, remember Lt. Col. Suleiman. The Iraqi officer served his people and humanity.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Nazi-ICE, France tech, Diplomatic quandries

The 3 idiocies of Joy Behar's ICE-Nazi comparison. The differences occur in intent, tactics, and outcome.

The US is right to warn France of coming tariffs over its technology tax. The tax is distinctly protectionist.

and... a guest piece at The Independent on the challenges faced by diplomatic delegations in Washington during the era of Trump.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Persian Gulf, Brexit prorogation, Labour antisemitism, Bolton Venezuela

Why it's clever to protect the Persian Gulf with a multinational task force. The key is to match military power to an allied message of deterrence.

It would be wrong to prorogue parliament over Brexit. There are three reasons why.

BBC has damning report on antisemitism handling in Labour Party. It shows Jeremy Corbyn doesn't seem to take the issue that seriously!

John Bolton uses Twitter to try and flip the Venezuelan defense minister. 
Last time it didn't work.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

China Taiwan, AOC Nazism, Jeremy Hunt

China just threatened the US over Taiwan. The Chinese are not happy about weapons sold to obstruct advance force landings.

AOC's chief of staff worships Nazism and Imperial Japan via Mr. Chandar Bose. The Indian revolutionary is no saint.

British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt was half right in criticisms of Trump. But there is no question that Darroch will have to go.

Monday, July 8, 2019

Ambassador, Iran

Why the UK will withdraw its ambassador to Washington. Darroch did nothing wrong, but the necessity of the special relationship will be prioritized.

Iran proves that the Iran nuclear agreement is a joke
They broke it with two acts in two days.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Nuclear posture, India imports

A new U.S. defense posture in face of Russian nuclear strategy must rely on offensive doctrine. The Russians cannot be given a chance to believe in low-yield battlefield nuclear operations.

India makes it easier for U.S. defense exporters to sell goods on its soil. This is good news for the strategic partnership.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Special Report

Tanks and Jets, Number 16.33, North Korea, Canada China

The July 4th party and an irony of tanks and jets. What's the difference between a fighter jet and a tank?

Why the number 16.33 is crucial to avoiding conflict with Iran. It's about the enrichment level.

America will win even if Trump's North Korea diplomacy fails. The world will have greater support for what comes next.

Trump is failing Canada on China. The president must stand up for our ally with Beijing's leadership.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Russian submarine, EU Iran, Kamala's aggression

Why all submariners will mourn the dead Russians. The camaraderie, at least in spirit, of submariners is special and understandable.

The European Union's appeasement delusion with Iran. The Iranians are not going to play to Macron's music.

Why Kamala Harris' strategy would make the U.S. military proud. It involves a focus on aggressively seizing the initiative.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Trump strategy, Antifa attackers, American greatness

Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un, and Trump's friendship strategy. The president should be more cautious in his affectionate approach towards Xi.

Antifa attackers should be wary of the federal law they may have breached in relation to Andy Ngo. The truth of their attack may be measured in long prison sentences.

Keep saying America is great. It is. The NYTimes video to the opposite is delusional.