Facing Syria and Russia, the United Nations prepares to again evidence its impotence. The international body is rightly concerned about an upcoming slaughter but has no means of stopping it.
Geert Wilders is a bigot, but he was wrong to cancel his Prophet Mohammed cartoon contest. The enlightenment values are at stake in showdowns such as this one.
Australia was right to prevent Chelsea Manning from entering its fine territory. The traitor turned cult figure is a clown who deserves no celebrity treatment.
Qatar is a poor American ally and Trump should have no part of its air base expansion. Indeed, if Qatar doesn’t stop supporting terrorism and Iran, the U.S. should move its forces out.
China’s new aircraft carrier is all about political prestige, not military power. The carrier would not help China win a war against the US or its allies.
The president should have read FIFA the riot act at the White House on Tuesday. The international governing body for soccer is a citadel of corruption.
A ban on DC police training in Israel would hurt racial, religious, and sexual minorities. The boycott movement is utterly delusional.
Russia and Syria are using preemptive fake news to insulate Assad's upcoming chemical weapons attack. It deserves Trump’s repudiation.
The American legion is right, Trump should order U.S. flags to half-staff. Memorializing McCain offers memorial to all those who have served.
Trump is right to cancel Pompeo's trip to Pyongyang. A visit now would have signaled American weakness at a moment of major consequence.
Go to Mars but also fund more research into deep space travel. NASA must balance short term objectives against high-cost, high-risk, high-value endeavors.
Here’s what’s going on in the crazy world of Australian politics. The Australian prime minister has been deposed and his party is taking a big risk.
What the First World War taught us about “America First” philosophy. The balance between supranationalism and mutual interest alliances is critical.
Trump is absolutely right to attend the 100th anniversary of the Armistice that ended the First World War. It is a fitting tribute to those who suffered in that awful war.
American greatness and Angela Rye’s not-so-great debating style. The CNN contributor chooses emotion over the exchange of ideas. It’s sad and unworthy of America.
Why Trump is wrong to revoke John Brennan’s security clearance. The former CIA director makes some silly comments, but the nation is served by his retained clearance.
Bernie Sanders, economic morality charlatan. The socialist Democrat loves righteous indignation but rational economic thought? Not so much.
Sangin: Don’t forget that the nation remains at war in Afghanistan. The recent loss of another serviceman in southern Afghanistan speaks to the story of Sangin.
Takeaways from today's terrorist attack in London. The British emergency service response was up to the challenge of a continuing terrorist threat.